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Vape in Germany
Dear vapers, we would like to know more about all European e-liquid flavors. We systematically describe e-liquids from different countries. Today is the time for e-liquid reviews from Germany. “Pink Fury” liquids are made in Germany and have long won the hearts and lungs of European Union vapers. As is known, Europe has the strictest standards for the production of wholesale e-juice flavors for electronic cigarettes.
Vape Flavors
“Pink Fury” liquids are manufactured in accordance with all European norms and standards. “Pink Fury” liquids are different from other European factory liquids with an exquisite range of flavors that will please the most demanding lovers of top vape flavors. “Pink Fury” is a vape juice brand list of electronic liquids that come from the same facility as Collins. This factory is located in Germany and has the most modern technologies for the production of electronic liquids and is therefore also ISO 9001-2008 certified. “Pink Fury” electronic liquids have a ratio of e-liquid ingredients – 40% propylene glycol and 60% glycerin.
Flavor: tobacco and mint.
These liquids will be an excellent addition to your vape juice flavors list. They are designed for lovers of e-liquid flavors from the best e-juice brands.
Some examples of these e-juices. Piff Puff Mint Flavor: tobacco and mint. The ratio of the components: is 40 percent propylene glycol and 60 percent glycerin.
Propylene Glycol, Vegetable Glycerin, Natural and Artificial Flavors, Water, and (optional) Liquid Nicotine.
Mother Waffler Flavor: Waffles. The ratio of the components: is 40 percent propylene glycol and 60 percent glycerin. Ingredients: Propylene Glycol, Vegetable Glycerin, Natural and Artificial Flavors, Water, and Nicotine.
E-liquid brands don’t need water additives. It’s no secret that e-liquid brands are not allowed to be mixed with water.
Vape filling
It is not known why, but many vapers are concerned about the possibility of filling an electronic cigarette with water. Maybe this is an attempt to save money, maybe a way to kick nicotine addiction. In any case, we want to find out what you can put in an electronic cigarette and if it is possible to use something other than the specially designed best e-juice brands for this purpose.
You should not save on your health to gain new impressions of vaping. If you want to try filling an electronic cigarette with water, then, of course, you can. But does it even make sense to vape like this? Water is not the basic ingredient of e-liquids; E-liquid flavors are made with e-liquid ingredients including additives. If you use plain water, you won’t feel any taste. In this case, there is no point in vaping.
No matter you like vape juice flavors with nicotine or vape juice flavors without nicotine, these e-juices produce a specific taste.
Finally, only e-liquid ingredients such as propylene glycol and glycerin ensure rich vaporization. The poor-quality liquid will produce a burning taste. This affects the flavor of the vape and the lack of flavor. You will inhale the e-liquid flavors added to the cartridge. Therefore, if there are any harmful suspensions in the liquid, they will surely enter the body. That’s why it’s worth adding only distilled water
Not only will you destroy your device, but you will also deprive yourself of the pleasure of inhaling the e-juice flavors that are the main value of vaping. Always keep that in mind.
Wholesale e-liquid is advantageous in the case of ordering online, but… By taking advantage of wholesale e-liquid it is possible to build a real vape empire. Electronic cigarettes do not harm health, nor do they limit the right to fresh air for non-smokers. The smoker feels the taste and smell of e-liquid nicotine when putting on the electronic cigarette, not unlike a traditional cigarette. The advantage of electronic cigarettes is their effectiveness in the fight against addiction. Most smokers who have switched to this style of smoking do not feel the need to go back to smoking regular tobacco.
In addition, a competent and thoughtful initial investment does not require very high costs and some skills.